
At Life Church, you will find a wonderful church family!  We welcome visitors to our church and we hope you’ll help us make things even better.  We are committed to developing a closer relationship to God and to see this world transformed into His likeness by the love, wisdom, and power of Jesus Christ expressed through His body, the Church (Ephesians 4:11-16).

Life Church as a congregation seeks to reflect God’s biblical pattern.  We are a Bible-preaching, Bible-teaching church.  We encourage you to bring your Bible to every Service.   Our Wednesday night service is primarily dedicated to an in-depth study of the Bible – one Book at a time, verse by verse.  Sometimes it takes us months to get through one Book, but we go away with a more thorough knowledge of God and His Word.

We believe it is God’s desire that every believer finds a good “home” church.  So we hope that you will join us often or permanently if God leads you to serve Him with us.  Please feel free to provide suggestions as to how Life Church can better serve you and where you might be able to serve as part of the “body.”

Yours in Christ’s love and service,

Michael K Fowler

Michael K. Fowler

Senior Pastor